Pop-In-The-Oven Conversations
One of the four essential and attainable elements for becoming a Star in your own life is learning to be Lucky. Knowing how to ‘seize an opportunity’ is one of the 13 clues I offer in my workshops to grab hold of that rabbit’s foot. Since Luck is where Being Prepared meets Opportunity, always have ‘Pop-In-The-Oven Conversations’ ready to serve.
Have you ever been somewhere and suddenly there stood the very person you need, or have been wanting to speak to. You think to yourself, I should go up and speak, I should introduce myself, I should…I could …And you do nothing. Later in the car going home, you regret your I couldas, I shouldas, and I wouldas. You missed a chance event. Stars never shoulda, coulda, or woulda. They seize the day. To create, recognize, and seize these moments you have to be prepared and anticipate them to happen.
Do you remember when you were in high school and you had a crush on that special girl or guy? You couldn’t wait to ‘accidentally’ bump in to her the next morning after biology near her locker. You not only imagined seeing her, but you also imagined the entire conversation in your head that you were going to have. She’ll say this and I’ll say that. If he asks this, I’ll answer that. You prepared yourself for a conversation that you may not even have the next day because you ‘cared enough to get ready.’ The same should be true in all aspects of your life.
Think of the 20 most important or influential people in your personal or professional life. Some you know and some you would like to know. Imagine yourself bumping into them and having an opportunity to say hello and introduce yourself. Imagine those conversations. 'He will probably think this. I should say that. I would like him to help me do this.' Whatever. Care enough. Imagine it through. Be ready. Think of another 20 people and do the same. Eventually you will have a 100 or so ‘Pop-In-The-Oven Conversations’ ready to go. Make yourself knowledgeble and aware of everything there is to know about these people you are going to meet. Know more about the person than anybody. And, as long as you are talking to anyone about themselves, even a stranger, they will listen.
If you died tonight and woke up and God was standing there, would you know what to say? Are you going to stand there and say, ‘Gosh, I really didn’t expect to bump into you, and I’m not really prepared to discuss things right now.’ Well, you sure as hell better expect to bump into him! And you certainly have had enough time to imagine that conversation. And you surely should care enough to be ready, just like when your heart skipped preparing to talk to your high school first love.
So, if you can prepare these conversations and actions in your life with all the most important and influential people you might, or expect, to meet, including God, you should have no trouble imagining walking up at the office Christmas party to that very powerful and important Sr. Vice President of Marketing who you have never met and who holds your potential corporate promotion in his hands and say, ‘Bob…Nancy Collins here…I head up international media sales in our Montclair office. Rumor has it, that the big man is stuffing your stocking this year with yada, yada, yada.’
Break a Leg. Become A Star. I’ll meet you on Life’s Red Carpet.”
