Sally Kellerman
“To know Larry is to adore him. It makes me feel good just to be in his presence. He’s warm, funny, smart and handsome to boot. In his own life he accomplished so many things. Going from lawyer to manager to producer to writer. So for sure he’s got a lot to say of value.”
– Sally Kellerman

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Q & A With Sally Kellerman:
PR & S: What is one of your favorite mottos to live by?
Kellerman: Everyone exists with me. To be loved, not judged.
PR & S: When did you know exactly what you wanted to achieve?
Kellerman: During grammar school, I always knew what I wanted to be . . . an actress and a singer.
PR & S: Of the Four Essential and Attainable Elements for fulfillment and success – TALENT, RAGE, TEAM and LUCK – in what order would you rank your possession of them?
Kellerman: They are all equal!
PR & S: Who are/were 3 of your greatest support team members?
Kellerman: My mother – Always! Stuart Cohen, early in my career, managed me for 11 years. He believed in me and made things happen. And my husband Jonathan Krane . . . completely amazing. He has believed, supported, had faith and even financed parts of my career. And he says he has enjoyed every minute of it!
PR & S: What was the luckiest moment in your career?
Kellerman: Studying with Jeff Cory right out of high school. Joe Steffano casting me in “Outer Limits” (he saw me in a play when I was working as a waitress) and Robert Altman casting me in "M*A*S*H*."
PR & S: What did you have to sacrifice to achieve your goal?
Kellerman: On the contrary, my desire to be a successful actress and singer forced me to grow and change; Get out of my own way.
PR & S: What would you most like to be remembered for?
Kellerman: In real life for being open and learning. For being resilient and never fully defeated.
PR & S: How do you give back to your community and the world?
Kellerman: Hopefully through my work. And I have specific charities that I work for.
PR & S: How are you a source of inspiration for others?
Kellerman: (How the hell do I know?) If anything at all it’s probably because at this time of my life I’m still working at the things I love and trying to get it right. It’s more about the doing than the results.
PR & S: What charitable organizations do you support?
Kellerman: Any AIDS program that needs my help, Oceana and Hereditary Disease Foundation.
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